Welcome to Focus Chiropractic

Karl Robins (Chiropractor and Founder)

Doctor of Chiropractic
Master of Chiropractic (MChiro)

About Focus Chiropractic

Focus Chiropractic is a UK health care provider based in Oxfordshire and provides effective health care for those seeking short term pain relief, and those that want long term corrective care. Focus Chiropractic offers holistic care, which focuses on the individual as a whole person, taking into account their physical, emotional, and nutritional needs, rather than just the symptoms of an illness or condition. The basic principles of Focus Chiropractic include a partnership between the patient and the practitioner during the healing process, the appropriate use of spinal manipulation, nutrition, and breathing therapy to facilitate the body’s innate healing response, the consideration of all factors that influence health, and the promotion of health education and the prevention of ill health.

The current health system

As the number of older people globally increases, health systems need to be reformed to meet the growing need for medical resources. The NHS is going through a gloomy time as more people are waiting longer for treatment and performance targets are being missed all year round. Emergency departments have missed performance targets since 2015, and the system is short of 100 000 doctors, nurses, and other staff. As a result, national NHS bodies published their long-term strategy for the NHS in England with the aim to shift the NHS model of care further upstream towards a more preventive model of care.

Mission statement

To provide exceptional healthcare and education in the Oxfordshire community. Significant gains in life expectancy have been achieved globally in recent years due to population growth and aging populations. With this, musculoskeletal disorders have also continued to increase in which often lead to pain, mental distress, reduced quality of life and negative effects on mood, forming a vicious cycle. Research demonstrates that people with musculoskeletal disorders are twice as likely to have other chronic diseases than those without musculoskeletal disorders. Therefore, good musculoskeletal health is necessary for personal functional, economic, and social independence throughout one’s life course.

“We need a shift from a pain-based reactive approach to a preventive wellness-based approach”

Karl is a registered Chiropractor with the General Chiropractic Council (05104) and is a member of the United Chiropractic Association.