What to expect at Focus Chiropractic?

We realise that not everyone is happy and excited about their first visit to a Chiropractor. Chances are that you are in pain, or at least not feeling your best, and may feel a little nervous or anxious. Our goal is to eliminate your worry or apprehension that you may have, by creating a relaxed and comfortable environment. If you decide to start your chiropractic care, it will involve several visits over a period of week and months. Therefore, it is important that our relationship can go the distance as we work closely together. We explain everything to our best of knowledge in advance.

Karl Robins Focus Chiropractor Abingdon


If you are in pain or even want to be preventative to your health then your new patient consultation is the first step.

Karl Robins Focus Chiropractor Abingdon


This is about you and your health. We will listen to your situation to gain an understanding of your symptoms and how it is impacting your life. We will seek to identify the root cause of your symptoms and offer a solution so that you can start returning to better health. At the end of your consultation we will then discuss your findings and offer a care plan if appropriate.

Karl Robins Focus Chiropractor Abingdon


Your regular visits will consist of a series of adjustments and education based upon the findings of your initial consultation so that you get the most out of your care. Once your condition is resolved or stable, we will offer a health review. This is a way to re-evaluate your progress and it will indicate how much you have improved. Assuming we have achieved an optimal or improved status, we will offer a maintenance care plan to maintain your body’s optimal function, prevent any setbacks and address any spinal symptoms if they arise.

Karl Robins Focus Chiropractor Abingdon


The human body has an innate ability to heal and maintain balance. The goal is to stimulate the body’s self-healing response over time. We use a high speed thrust to joints that have lost their movement. The joints become more mobile and function better, restoring movement and less pain. Some individuals may experience discomfort after their adjustments. This is to be expected as part of the natural healing process. The reaction is an adaption by the nervous system to change and may last a few hours or days.

Pain relief

Most people consult Focus Chiropractic because they have pain. Whilst pain relief is important, this is just the start of your healing journey. Visits are frequent in the initial stages, and in most cases as many as 1 to 2 visits per week and support will be here for you along the way from start to finish.

Recovering/stabilising Decision time

When you’re starting to feel better, you’ll have a decision to make. Will you continue with your care as you strengthen and correct or stop? If you continue with care, your visits will become less. Focus Chiropractic wants you to know that any decisions you make will be respected.

Wellness care

Your health affects everything that you do. When you are at your best, you can enjoy life to your fullest. Chiropractic preventative maintenance care has shown that those under regular care experience less episodes of back pain, and is available for you to maintain your progress against the daily stress of life.

The Illness-Wellness Continuum is a concept that proposes that wellbeing is more than just whether you have symptoms of an illness. It encompasses mental, emotional, and physical health. The Illness-Wellness Continuum recognises the importance of preventing disease and musculoskeletal pain before it occurs and helping those at risk to become healthier before they become ill. Everyday, you can either add to your health or take it away, so let’s be proactive with our health rather than reactive.